After few months after my graduation and therefore from submission of my bachelor thesis (A tool for computing Nash equilibria) I finally managed to release neng!

There are few refactorings made to neng from version that was submitted as bachelor thesis.

But the most important are features:

  • Deals with noncooperative games in normal form.
  • Computes all pure Nash equilibria - brute force.
  • Computes all mixed Nash equilibria in two-players games nondegenerate games with Support enumeration algorithm.
  • Computes one mixed Nash equilibria in any games by optimizing Lyapunov function.
  • Can apply Iterative Elimination of Dominated Strategies before computing.
  • Computes pure best response and check validity of mixed best response.

Feel free to express your opinion about it.

My next effort will be aimed to extend neng to compute Nash equilibria for extensive form.

New version is now accessible on PYPI or on GitHub.