I gladly present you my most recent piece of work in Python: Pypete - python performance tests. It is plugin to well known nosetests testing framework. If you run nosetests with my plugin turned on, it will timeit every test you have selected. You can save your results to file, compare it with older results and much more.
As usual you can find my code at https://github.com/Artimi/pypete and install using pip.

Enough introduction and lets look at the usage:

$ nosetests --with-pypete --pypete-prettytable --pypete-file pypete.json tests/tests.py  
FAIL: test\_fail (tests.BasicTest)  
Traceback (most recent call last):  
  File "/home/psebek/projects/pypete/tests/tests.py", line 18, in test\_fail  
AssertionError: False is not true  
FAIL: test\_timed (tests.BasicTest)  
Traceback (most recent call last):  
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/tools/nontrivial.py", line 100, in newfunc  
    raise TimeExpired("Time limit (%s) exceeded" % limit)  
TimeExpired: Time limit (0.001) exceeded  
Pypete results:  
repeat = 3 and number = 0  
test\_fail (tests.BasicTest):  
| Metric | current \[s\] | last \[s\] | best \[s\] | worst \[s\] |  
|  best  |   0.000034  | 0.000033 | 0.000033 |  0.000033 |  
|  avg   |   0.000037  | 0.000033 | 0.000033 |  0.000036 |  
| worst  |   0.000039  | 0.000034 | 0.000034 |  0.000040 |  
test\_time (tests.BasicTest):  
| Metric | current \[s\] | last \[s\] | best \[s\] | worst \[s\] |  
|  best  |   0.001184  | 0.001174 | 0.001158 |  0.001193 |  
|  avg   |   0.001186  | 0.001184 | 0.001176 |  0.001193 |  
| worst  |   0.001189  | 0.001189 | 0.001196 |  0.001193 |  
test\_time2 (tests.BasicTest):  
Ran 6 tests in 1.619s  
FAILED (failures=2)  

You all are welcome to help me improve this tool and myself by suggesting improvements and reporting bugs.