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Attending Excel@FIT

The student conference Excel@FIT held at the end of April at FIT BUT, my facutlty. I attended with an article that is based on my master thesis. My master thesis deals with effective project scheduling. I am trying to examine and improve a novel genetic algorithm GARTH.I was chosen to present my ideas in a form of a poster. You may find my article and my poster (in czech) at the conference website....

May 9, 2015 · 1 min

Overview of the study at FIT BUT

I’m trying to read some interesting articles from the field lately and I stumbled upon blog post What every computer science major should know by Matt Might, associate professor from University of Utah. He summarized requirements that proper CS graduate should comply. While reading this article I automatically started to compare his view with study programmes at my home university FIT BUT, and realized how much this school gave me in those five (at the time incomplete) years....

March 5, 2015 · 6 min