EuroPython 2023

My takes from EuroPython 2023 in Prague Wednesday, 19th July, 2023 Kindnesses & Promises Personal experience of a community organiser Petr Viktorin. It felt a bit out of scope for me because Petr spoke about his path through life (we all have some) and emphasized the importance of community in Python. Community is not the most important thing for me in Python - the actual engineering part of Python is. From the members of the Python community (people who know each other and meet often at meetup) it seems that it is a necessity or essential progress, but I think that a lot of people can be part of Python, contribute to it and not be part of this community....

July 21, 2023 · 6 min

Snakepit contest at PyconSK 2018

I’ve attended amazing conference Pycon SK in Bratislava 2018. Part of the programme was a contest in a game snakepit (contests info). It was a nice game where contestants should write a behaviour of snake from the old game we all remember from childhood. Instead of paying attention to the conference talks the contest has absorbed me and I created quick and dirty idea of how should snake play the game....

March 11, 2018 · 2 min

Environment for efficient Python Programmng

In this article I would like to describe few tools I’m using everyday to be efficient Python programmer. There is multiple approaches how efficiently control your programming environment but I have converged to this set of tools. I’m looking from any tool that I’m using at work to be easy to learn i.e. having shortcuts always somewhere visible. controlable by shortcut that can be carved in my muscle memory. capable of fast perfomance tasks I’m doing quite often....

September 7, 2017 · 4 min
Multiple server architecture

Winning application for Wood Coding Challenge

As some of Python community here in Czech Republic know there was held programming contest called Wood Coding Challenge organized by Wood & Company. The task was to create stock exchange using Python / C / C++ that runs on TCP sockets communicate by JSON messages and presents solid engineering abilities. You can find whole description of task at the website of the contest. This certainly had my attention and during two months I completed this challenge....

July 19, 2016 · 3 min

Reloadable containers for Python

We often face an issue that our long running services need some parts to be reloadable without restart of such service. To achieve this I implemented simple abstract class that wraps any container we could use. You can find whole example at my Github page. from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import time class Reloadable(ABC): """ This class wraps a container and expose all its methods. It reloads its content after `reload_every_secs` from `path`....

July 12, 2016 · 2 min

Round-robin in Celery

Recently we faced an issue how to fairly distribute computational resources for our imaging service using Celery. The imaging service does some basic operations with image like resize. We chose Celery to distribute work among our workers. The service works with chunks of 1000 images that is processed in batch. We wanted to avoid situation where one large client uses all processors on a worker and other smaller clients would have to wait....

July 11, 2016 · 2 min

DNF to BDD in Haskell

This semester I have only two projects because it is my last semester at school (read my revaluation of study here). I am attending course called Functional and Logic Programming where we should learn this sort of programming languages. First project is written in Haskell and I chose to implement disjunctive normal form (DNF) to binary decision diagram (BDD) convertor. You can get the impression what this means from Formal Analysis and Verification lecture about BDDs on page 4 and further....

March 8, 2015 · 2 min

Pypete launch

I gladly present you my most recent piece of work in Python: Pypete - python performance tests. It is plugin to well known nosetests testing framework. If you run nosetests with my plugin turned on, it will timeit every test you have selected. You can save your results to file, compare it with older results and much more. As usual you can find my code at and install using pip....

October 3, 2014 · 2 min

Bob (Idiap) in Docker

Today I created my first Docker image. I’m really interested in Docker as a technology and I feel this should be one main route in virtualization field. The use of Docker is so easy and elegant that I wonder why it hasn’t existed for longer time. There still is big hype around Docker, especially now when they get $40M funding. With this Docker will become huge company. Anyway I wanted to create some docker image for practice and bumped into Bob, signal-processing and machine-learning toolbox that I was describing in one of my previous articles....

September 18, 2014 · 2 min

Sleeping Barber Implementation in Go

I wanted to learn (at least try) some new language, because I have feeling that I haven’t learnt anything in a long time. So I catched hype wave around Go. It is statically typed, with garbage collector, without OOP (I don’t like it anyway), by default statically linked language that was invented in Google. There is really nice and short tour that guided me in the beginings. Go’s killer feature is it’s concurrency model....

August 12, 2014 · 1 min