Pitch slide

Attending Excel@FIT

The student conference Excel@FIT held at the end of April at FIT BUT, my facutlty. I attended with an article that is based on my master thesis. My master thesis deals with effective project scheduling. I am trying to examine and improve a novel genetic algorithm GARTH.I was chosen to present my ideas in a form of a poster. You may find my article and my poster (in czech) at the conference website....

May 9, 2015 · 1 min

DNF to BDD in Haskell

This semester I have only two projects because it is my last semester at school (read my revaluation of study here). I am attending course called Functional and Logic Programming where we should learn this sort of programming languages. First project is written in Haskell and I chose to implement disjunctive normal form (DNF) to binary decision diagram (BDD) convertor. You can get the impression what this means from Formal Analysis and Verification lecture about BDDs on page 4 and further....

March 8, 2015 · 2 min

Overview of the study at FIT BUT

I’m trying to read some interesting articles from the field lately and I stumbled upon blog post What every computer science major should know by Matt Might, associate professor from University of Utah. He summarized requirements that proper CS graduate should comply. While reading this article I automatically started to compare his view with study programmes at my home university FIT BUT, and realized how much this school gave me in those five (at the time incomplete) years....

March 5, 2015 · 6 min

Pypete launch

I gladly present you my most recent piece of work in Python: Pypete - python performance tests. It is plugin to well known nosetests testing framework. If you run nosetests with my plugin turned on, it will timeit every test you have selected. You can save your results to file, compare it with older results and much more. As usual you can find my code at https://github.com/Artimi/pypete and install using pip....

October 3, 2014 · 2 min

Bob (Idiap) in Docker

Today I created my first Docker image. I’m really interested in Docker as a technology and I feel this should be one main route in virtualization field. The use of Docker is so easy and elegant that I wonder why it hasn’t existed for longer time. There still is big hype around Docker, especially now when they get $40M funding. With this Docker will become huge company. Anyway I wanted to create some docker image for practice and bumped into Bob, signal-processing and machine-learning toolbox that I was describing in one of my previous articles....

September 18, 2014 · 2 min

Sleeping Barber Implementation in Go

I wanted to learn (at least try) some new language, because I have feeling that I haven’t learnt anything in a long time. So I catched hype wave around Go. It is statically typed, with garbage collector, without OOP (I don’t like it anyway), by default statically linked language that was invented in Google. There is really nice and short tour that guided me in the beginings. Go’s killer feature is it’s concurrency model....

August 12, 2014 · 1 min

How to prepare to job interview

I had another job interview just yesterday. I do same basic mistakes everytime just because I forget how to prepare well. So I want to write this little list of things what not to forget. It will be focused on job interview to IT sector, but I think that these simple steps are applicable to every bussiness branch. Before interview Prepare answer to these questions: What did you do in your last jobs?...

June 26, 2014 · 2 min

Eyetracking data analysis

This should be my last project from University of Eastern Finland. In this project we was analyzing eye gazing data. We’ve got csv file containing information about positions of eye gaze in time. From that we’ve computed velocity of gaze, found peaks (high velocity, eye is moving to another object, it’s called saccades) and fixations. From that we computed Mean Fixation Duration and Mean Saccade Amplitude. I really liked to work on this project because finally I gave a try to IPython notebook and found out that it is incredible tool for data analysis and it’s presentation....

May 10, 2014 · 1 min
Confusion matrix

Age and gender speech recognition

I’ve just finished another project here in Joensuu, Finland. This was done in course Speech Technology Workshop 2014. Our task was to classify speaker age and gender. We used this dataset Burkhardt, Felix et al. “A Database of Age and Gender Annotated Telephone Speech.” LREC 19 May. 2010. Basically we had 7 classes of speakers (child with no gender division, youth f/m, adult f/m , senior f/m). They recorded their voice using telephone....

May 4, 2014 · 2 min

Usability evaluation on Google Slides

Currently I’m studying in Finland and courses I attend here are completely different than that at my home university. One course I passed was Usability Engineering. It is dealing with ease of use product (in our case software), learnability, efficiency, effectivity, accesibility and so on. It’s rather objective metric than more subjective UX. This area is not so much of my cup of tea, but it was interesting to see how proper usability evaluation and usability testing especially....

March 7, 2014 · 4 min